jeudi 22 août 2013

Anuloma Viloma Pranayama - exercice d'éveil du 3ième oeil - (eng)

Anuloma Viloma Pranayama    (the coming and going breath)
Version anglaise, extraite de Kundalini Tantra, la préparation du 3ième œil

Sit in a comfortable meditative posture. Make sure the spine is erect and the body is relaxed. The body must become absolutely still. After some minutes, begin to develop awareness of the breath in the nostrils.
When you breathe in, your whole awareness should flow with the breath from the tip of the nose, through the nasal passages, up to the eyebrow center. And when you breathe out, your whole awareness should flow with the breath from the eyebrow center to the tip of the nose.

Become aware of the triangular form of the breath between the nostrils and the eyebrow center. The base of the triangle is at the level of the upper lip, its sides are the right and left nasal passages, and its apex is within the eyebrow center.

Firstly, feel the breath moving in and out of the left nostril, then the right nostril. Then be aware of the breath as it flows in and out through both nostrils together. Once you are established in this breath awareness, begin to consciously alternate the flow of the breath between the two nostrils in the same way as nadi shodhana, except you practise it psychically.

Consciously inhale through the left nostril to bhrumadhya and exhale through the right, then inhale through the right nostril to bhrumadhya, and exhale through the left. This is one round-After completing four such rounds, inhale and exhale through both nostrils simultaneously, visualizing the passage of the breath forming an inverted V-shape. In this way you have to continue - four alternate nostril breaths, then one breath through both nostrils.  

Count the rounds from 100 back to zero.

100 - inhale left nostril, exhale right nostril; inhale right nostril, exhale left nostril, 99 - repeat, 98- repeat, 97- repeat, 96- inhale both nostrils, exhale both nostrils, and so on.

Note: Accuracy in the counting is absolutely necessary, and if an error is made, the practice must recommence from 100. It is very important to keep count of the breaths, because without keeping count, anuloma viloma is altogether too powerful for many aspirants, swallowing up their awareness in the unconscious sphere-

The aim of the practice is to stimulate ajna chakra on the subconscious, psychic level, and for this, awareness must be maintained. If you sink into the unconscious sphere, you will only be aware of the vast store of impressions in the unconscious mind, and will completely lose awareness of the practice. This awareness is essential for the development of mind control and the awakening of ajna chakra to conscious accessibility.

This practice can also be very well integrated into yoga nidra (or body scan).

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